Thursday, September 8, 2016


Since starting a new blog that not only includes my photography but a number of different articles as well, I think it's time to steer you that direction. This poor little blog has been ignored more than I like to admit, but the variety of shots from my camera will be ever so much broader at the other site.

Check it out! I hope you'll be a regular there, too. 

P.S. Here is my an image from my most recent photo shoot!

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Half birthday

Well hello, blog! How nice we meet again. I didn't mean to neglect you so, but you know... life. I'm so glad you understand and were waiting here patiently for my return. Goodness, last we were together we weren't even in America! So much has happened since that summer. I am now happily married (11-8-2014) and enjoying motherhood (9-2-2015). 

I recently dusted off my big camera at the encouragement of my husband and motivation from the beauty I have laid my eyes on here in the north country, as well as being eager to use the Mac we've recently acquired. Once again I can use the photo software that is near and dear to me. I sold some of my old gear that I knew I wasn't going to use anymore, and in doing that realized what a beauty of a lens I had in my possession. My camera is getting up there in years, but that doesn't mean I have to let it die while it's just sitting still in its aged frame [puns intended]. Plus, being that I'm a mom and have the most adorable little guy in my care, I have priceless moments to capture before opportunity disappears entirely.

Today my mini handsome turns six months old. Of course a half birthday is reason to celebrate! I've been wanting chocolate cake, but we've been chowing down on plenty of sugary (but delicious!) sweets lately, so I'll have to settle with just a photo shoot. After getting these results, this is plenty sweet enough for me! 

Isn't he a doll!?