Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Family: Bettys

This October I was blessed to be able to do the photography for an amazing family. I spent two days with them capturing unforgettable memories. They made me feel like part of the family! It was exciting to share their joy in having the entire family together for the first time. 

The sad part was that Grandpa Ben was dying of cancer, and had lost a lot of weight and strength. But he was so determined to be strong for his grandkids so they would have yet another memory to cherish. He loved kids to pieces, and would do just about anything for them. His grandkids showed the same love for him.

Later in life, Ben chose to surrender his life to God, realizing that without Christ, his life amounted to nothing. Having known the family for several years, it touched me to see the change in his heart when He gave it to the Lord. He wanted to be baptized, so Sunday morning, dozens of family, friends, and neighbors headed down to the creek.

Ben passed away on November 30th. Though he will be missed, we have peace knowing he is with the Lord! 

What about you? Do you know for certain that if you never faced another tomorrow, you'd spend eternity in heaven? Have you committed your life to serving Christ?

Friday, December 7, 2012

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Video Project

This summer I got to try my hand at pro video. It was a music video for a local band, The Shepardsville Team. I must say, I had a great time! We filmed it all in one day, with two cameras, and from there it was all desk work putting it together. This song is recorded on their album, Season of Singing, which is available for purchase on their website,

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Two years ago...

...I got to shoot one of the most relaxed, photogenic weddings I'd experienced.

I was reminiscing this wedding recently, and couldn't resist gathering a few shots to share! 


And they are living happily ever after!

All photos copyright emd photography 2012       

Monday, July 16, 2012

Wednesday, March 14, 2012